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Running a Company

Running a company is an exciting challenge but can involve many changes, issues and duties. All businesses need experienced experts on hand to help. 

Under the Companies Act, directors are under a duty to file a wide range of documents such as annual accounts and confirmation statements, or risk serious penalties. It is important to work with experts in Company law familiar with the strict regulatory framework and time limits having worked with businesses over many years. As experts, they can keep up to date with any regulatory changes, filing obligations and most significantly the move to digital filing of Company documents.

Company Professionals only deal with fully insured members of the Association of Company Registration Agents.

Keeping an eye on cash flow is essential during the early days of a business. Now with cloud accounting, it is possible to have a “real time” view of a Company’s financial health. With the in-put of experienced accountants who have seen it all before, they can help head off difficulties by providing pragmatic support, tools and advice.

Company Professionals only deal with fully insured Chartered Accountants registered with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) or Association of International Accountants (AIA).

Even a business running perfectly smoothly will need to keep an eye on its most important asset – its staff. Appraisals, training, professional development, adhering to policies and procedures, such as managing maternity and paternity leave, are all important to the day to day running of any business. Having access to experienced HR professionals is crucial in helping to avoid employment issues escalating, potentially leading to the breakdown of relationships and costly employment tribunal litigation.

Company Professionals only deal with fully insured members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Throughout its journey, a Company always faces the challenges of a constantly changing regulatory and legal landscape. Having an experienced, up to date legal team to guide you is vital in allowing you to stay focused on running the business.

You need ready access to a resource that can help you negotiate terms with suppliers, chase up slow payers and keep you advised of macro challenges that can impact your bottom line and help you prepare, recent examples include the imposition of GDPR, Brexit and the Coronavirus pandemic.

Company Professionals only deal with fully insured Solicitors registered with the Law Society and Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Get in touch with Company Professionals.

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